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Why Should We Store Tins Of Beans Upside Down?

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sandyRoe | 01:24 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
32 Answers

I saw this mentioned in  newspaper but it didn't say why.



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perhaps in case you want to export them to Australia?

Them that know, said less beans stuck to the bottom of the can, and more beans at the top  !!,once%20the%20lid%20is%20removed.

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When I'm having beans on toast I scrape the last of the sauce and beans out of the tin with a spoon.

This seems to be a non story.

if you buy an upside down can you may start to wonder what's going on in the world.

How ridiculous the so-called "serious" newspapers have become.  

If the Telegraph had come out with such a silly article back in the last Century they would have been thoroughly (and rightly) scorned. They're lowering themselves to the level of The Sun and other tabloids.

What next ?  The Spectator telling us we're wiping our bums with the wrong hand ? 😀

Surely you're not using someone else's Canary?

LOL ozzy

I've got half a tin in the fridge.  I could try it with that one.. 

I just give them a good shake before opening

The tin isn't upside down. It's just that the lable is the wrong way up.

In older times you would have just opened the other end 

I don't know if this is still the case, but when I used to deliver to supermarket distribution centres, instant coffee jars were always transported upside down (and onward to the supermarket itself). This was because the contents filled the jar at the factory, but settled quite a lot during transport. When the person put it on the shelf right way up (and you took it home and opened it) it would look full again!

I read that article as well but can't remember where it was now ..... 

Because the sauce will all be at the top. So If they are upside down on the shelf when they are turned up the right way to open the sauce spreads more evenly about the contents. You can just shake them though.

Have you ever tried shaking your can when it's been on the shelf for weeks? It takes more than two or three shakes to get the juice rise.

Yes, always shake them, and other foods that settle in transit.

Doesnt take that much if you are reasonably strong.

Perhaps government could look at employing young folk to be on standby to shake the tins of the infirm and enfeebled.

A different kind of agitation.


Talking of shaking food items, one day while selecting apples at a supermarket I was accosted by a woman who said the best way to find the ripe ones was to shake them to hear whether the pips rattled. So I tried it in spite of feeling a bit foolish in doing so. 


the same works for sexing kittens

Then there are and let's turn our attention to  the bottles of mayo / salad cream / ketchup  , which are kept upside down , with the labels the wrong way up ( or right way up depending on which way you look at it ) 

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