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Sainsbury’s And M&S Autumn Recipes

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Vagus | 18:06 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
9 Answers

I've been getting emails from the above with lots of autumnal recipes which all sound lovely,and very quick and easy, not much faffing so not much standing in the kitchen which does my back in.

Tomorrow I'm going to find a way to keep all these recipes without printing them,just in some sort of bit on my iPad...that'll be interesting!



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Take photos of the recipes and store in a photo album on your iPad?

I use an app called Pocket on all my devices. I can save webpages on any device  and read them on all my devices -  desktop, iPad, Android phone and tablet.

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Wow Tilly, that's such a good idea! Why didn't I think of that??? So easy too, rather that asking OH who tends to complicate things.

May I ask, how's yer teef??

I can also send saved articles to Kindle ereader using Pocket, very handy

I take photos or screenshot too, so handy

Finally, lastweek I had my two front teeth crowned,Vagus. Apparently, because my roots were sound, they were able to insert rods for the crowns to fix on. No injection needed.

I am so pleased to get my smile back.

Thanks for asking.

If available, I use Pinterest to save recipes. Then, I'll also get ideas for more recipes of the same type...whether it's Mediterranean style, or egg recipes, seeded breads, etc. It's a real rabbit hole sometimes.

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I've tried screenshots but that just photos the bit on the screen..obviously..not the whole recipe.

Tilly, so you didn't need to have implants? That's great, isnt it wonderful being able to smile again 😁

Am currently playing around with it all to find what's best 😳

I've just looked at the M&S recipes, Vagus. They are very elongated over several pages or more! 

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Sainsbury’s And M&S Autumn Recipes

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