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Innocent smoothies

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sammd | 10:56 Wed 25th Jan 2006 | Food & Drink
7 Answers

Does anyone know how much Innocent smoothies are in Tescos and Asda? They're half price in Sainsburys at the mo (normal price �3.20ish) but whenever i go in they've sold out. Thanks.



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They are in around the same price (before reductions) in all three supermarkets (arount �3.20 or so)

A quick wander 'round the ASDA website shows that a one litre smoothie is �2.97 and a pack of 4 cartons (180ml each) is �2.88

The Tesco site is awful to use, so I didn't look there.

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So expensive :(
Tesco - �2.97 or �2.99 for 1 litre. �2.88 or �2.99 for 4 x 180 ml (both dependent on which flavour you want). �1.75 for 250 ml bottle

A possible alternative may be PJ Smoothies (which was recently bought out by Pepsi, I believe *sigh*). There is a very useful review here;

For me, I always get my fruit drinks from Marks and Spencers, whether it is a smoothie or just good fruit juice - you wouldn't believe how much better Orange Juice - with 'juicy bits' tastes when it is not from concentrate!

You could just invest in a blender, a big bag of frozen berries, a few bananas and a carton of fruit juice. I reckon you'd be in profit by smoothie 30!
But then you'd miss out on the great storys on the innocent smoothies packaging, id pay extra for that alone!

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