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laurence2 | 14:28 Sun 05th Feb 2006 | News
22 Answers

Why did,nt the asian protester who was dressed as a suicide bomber get arrested in london yesterday.

From what i gather london is still on some kind of ALERT since the underground bombings, so what made the police think he posed no threat ?



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He's maybe known to them like that lunatic "Irish Priest" whose last protest was to rob that poor guy of the marathon gold medal at the Olympics.What else did he do?Was it not something which involved the Queen.

No excuse - but I dont think he would have got away with it - I mean the guy yesterday.

There are loonies everywhere.I once walked down Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and this guy walked towards me and trained a gun on me.I just kept going but was petrified.On the way back lo and behold there he was waiting on a bench and trained his obviously toy gun (well I hope it was) on me and followed me.I was with a friend so we just bolted and didnt report it.

No-one else seemed to bat an eyelid.

Its usually the normal looking ones you have to look out for - I suppose is the point I'm trying to make:)

I think it's interesting to wonder whether de Menezies (sp?) would have been shot if there had been firebrand protesters in the vicinity and press photographers ready with their cameras? I doubt he would have.

In brief, I think thr police felt too intimidated to take action.

It might be that the threat of their colleagues having to face trial at the Old Bailey has made them shall we say a little less keen to do anything to 'offend'.

It's instances like this that might be the undoing of us all.

i think they will arrest him quietly and without fuss/press later

What planet are you lot from?

He didn't get arrested because he's Muslim.Aren't we all aware that they're above the law?

A word of advice-if you're not Muslim don't try something similar because you'll be banged up PDQ

Search me - can you not just give a reasoned response to the Q instead of asking what planet are we all from.

This site is seriously p!ssing me off because a minority cant answer without having a go at other people.

Having an opposing view is one thing but this crud is spoiling it.

Because the police officers controlling the demonstration were a bunch of incompetent unprincipled muddle-thinking nincombooliaks with a muddled set of orders from their muddle-headed superiors.

Ah diddums Drisgirl- I consider that my answer was a reasoned response, aren't I allowed an opinion?

If you don't like it- you'll have to lump it.


Is that really your opinion of the police who controlled the demonstration?

Do you really, honestly think of them as incompetent? What leads you to think that?

search me - guess I'll just have to lump it. - I, in my ignorance forgot you never give reasoned responses.

Now put me over your shoulder and rub my back cos I think I need to burp and I promise I wont be sick down your back:)

real suicide bombers seldom dress up as suicide bombers and appear in highly public protests. So they may have concluded he wasn't much of an actual threat. There are laws about impersonating police officers but none about impersonating terrorists.
Bernardo The problem is--if they were not incompetent,then they were cowardly. But two people were arrested and they were ? Yes ,two counter demonstrators. What do you make of that ?
Arrested? He should have been shot - after all how were the police to know whether or not he was really carrying bombs? Menenzes was shot 6 times in the head - for getting on the tube. Talk about going from one extreme to another.

he shuda been shot

The gentleman in question has apologised "wholeheartedly" to the families of the July 7 bombings and has conceeded that his behaviour was at least as bad, if not worse than the publishing of cartoons he was protesting about. A shame he didn't realise that earlier, but better late than never, I suppose. :-/
...and they've just said on the news he had been released into the community for the second half of a five year drugs sentence, so perhaps his apology is not entirely unmotivated.
.....and now he is back in prison for violating his bail conditions.
why didn't he get shot! that other bloke was only wearing a puffer jacket and they shot him!

For the same reason that:

1) You (or anyone else) didn't call the Metropolitan Police Terrorist Squad immediately to alert them of a suicide bomber on the streets of London.

2) You (or anyone else) didn't call the Metropolitan Police to complain of the hurt or distress caused to you by this man.

3) Prince Harry wasn't arrested for dressing up as a Nazi.

Political Correctness, the police are far too frightened to arrest a muslim for fear of being called racist...why do you think they used to stand next to Abu Hamza when he chanted his race hate but when a Leader of the BNP started doing the same about muslims he was immediately arrested?

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