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GlitteryPink | 13:50 Mon 03rd Apr 2006 | Food & Drink
20 Answers
What did you have for breakfast today? I hate the usual cereal and toast but am trying to be healthy so never know what to have, especially as I'm always in a hurry! And i REALLY hate porridge even tho I keep trying to eat it cos it is good for you and filling!


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I had Bran Flakes which I have every morning except weekends, when I have Corn Flakes. I feel very virtuous eating Bran Flakes, I started with them to get my roughage intake up, and now i really like them, and i eat them without sugar, which makes me feel even better. Still have the sugary mug of tea though - I have to kick-start my system!
I'm trying to diet so I've had a yoghurt and a banana, very nice they were too!
yoghurt with sliced bananna and raisins or fruit salad
I had microwaved porridge (the whole rolled flakes rather than that horrible powdery instant stuff.) I added some small pieces of chopped Bramley apple and some sultanas and it took 3 minutes 50 seconds. The sweetness in the sultanas eliminates the need to add sugar and it really takes no longer than throwing in some bread into the toaster. Any dried fruit (or fresh berries or plums) works equally well if you find porridge on its own pretty boring.
I had the same as Wendy ..Porridge ..done in the microwave with raisins apple and made with Oatley milk .I eat porridge every morning. Sometimes I slice a banana in it or add honey. Cup of tea with lemon.
get a smoothie maker and whiz up a load of fruit i use skimmed milk in mine. i only eat fruit if its in a smoothie but at least im on my way to five a day. argos have one for �15 its cheap enough and does the job
I had one of those new SKI up and go yoghurt drinks that i saw advertised in the ASDA magazine. It was quite nice. Drinkable yoghurt with cereal and fruit bits in. yum.
I had a poached egg on rye bread. Poached egg doesn't take that long.
I had porridge (made with skimmed milk) with sultanas and sliced banana, and my cup of coffee.
fruit, just grab and go
Bacon butty
Store's own brand 'Fruit 'n Fibre', only a little low fat milk, sprinkle generously with raw porridge oats with a couple of dollops of Greek style strained yogurt to top it all off. Fantastic, and I kid myself it must be good for me !!!
Almost forgot. On alternate days I have two/three slices of toast from home made granary bread. Spread with olive oil type margarine and topped with low sugar marmalade and NZ clover honey. The mammoth decision is whether to have two slices with honey or two slices with the marmalade. It sends me mad !!!
Optimum Power cereal.
...alpen cereal bar , a banana, and some orange and carrot juice ....then I went and spoilt my holier than though image and had 2 cigarettes...
Thick granary toast, lathered with Marmite and topped with sliced tomato and onion... breakfast bliss :o)
Bit naughty but i only have my cappucino and a ciggie or 2,cant eat breakfast.

I usually skip breakfast, only since I am pregnant I try to be a bit more sensible.

So I have some fruit and yoghurts.

Crunchy nut cornflakes with a sliced banana or Cinnemon Grahams - they are SOOOOOO addictive.
half a melon with berries mmmmmmmmm

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