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Edam cheese

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Dan Glebitts | 23:06 Sun 30th Apr 2006 | Food & Drink
97 Answers
Probly in wrong section but hey, Y'know the red stuff on outside of edam cheese. Is that edible or is it some strange plastic coating? I dont eat much cheese and was just wonderin'.


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Its a bloke Im talking to, I dont think he would like it! lol
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I have some 'cyber' friends, fancy a Dan sandwhich?
Sorry, was just on the phone to Mr Rosieo.x
Bloke you are talking to?....GG....we are have just made love 5 minutes ago....for a full 3 hours
Question Author
Rosio sandwhich? nibble my grapes? Wheres RQ?
See Dan, Zeus really is my lover & really wouldn't like it!!!
Question Author
Zeus, your a god. Get medusa or someone else, hey...word on the street is that Venus has a thing for you.
GirlyGirl....are you gonna make me a cup of tea now that I have satisfied your sexual needs ?
So anyway, do you usually eat the wax on Edam?x
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As I said, I aint a cheese man. So rosio, my offer still stands.
You definatly satisfy me! I only need 1 man Dan - sorry! He's just too good! Its true lust..... : )
What offer?x
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Girlygirl Zeus is a God and can offer you things I cant even imagine, but did I tell you I am a Sex God. Stay with him, Im not desperate x
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the sandwhich, rosio, the sandwhich or talk 2 me on msn

RQ s still here ! lol....who mentioned a sandwich?

Oh my life! You're not backward in coming forward are you? I think MSN may be a step too far for a married lady. Mr Rosieo would get very jealous!!!x

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:-) meer play talk...its all for show
Well you know what they say about hormonal teenagers dont you?????

RQ would like a sandwich.x

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Im not like the rest of those hooligans, I matured early. Although I do like to PARTY!

Rosio, you still havnt answered my sandwhich Q.

We've gone a long way from just talkin' bout Edam havnt we?

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Edam cheese

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