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The Tiggster | 20:22 Sun 04th Jun 2006 | Food & Drink
9 Answers

Does anyone know of an off the shelf yogurt without sugar or sweeteners, other than natural/greek etc? It's for my baby & I want the convenience of ready made (I make all his other food) to pop into his lunch box to take to childminder.




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You can get yogurt with honey but AFAIK not with honey AND fruit. Depending on his age, honey may not be recommended either.
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Thanks, he's under 1, so no honey I'm afraid.

Have you heard of Easiyo?? Check out

It`s the best I`ve EVER tasted & natural. You do have to make it yourself, but it takes 2 minutes & one container ful lasts up to 2 weeks. If you can keep it for that long lol. I certainly can not.

I buy Longley Farm natural yoghurt which is exactly what it says on the carton!
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Thanks everyone.

BJB, I hadn't appreciated that "home made" yogurt would have such a long shelf life & did fancy making it up every night for my son. Now I know I might give it a try.

The Tiggster. I absolutely love Easiyo. It`s not the cheapest but it`s natural & fresh. Have you checked out the site yet?
Ops. I forgot to mention that IF you decide to get Easyio, you will need to buy the kit to make it. Once you`ve got it, you can use it to make ALL their products.
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Hi BJB, I went into Lakeland today & had a look at the easi yo maker & concentrates etc & must say I was tempted but ran out of time as my parking ticket time was up. I will be going back in & investing ASAP. Thanks for the tip & I'll let you know how I get on.


I used to use the farm yoghurt, can't get it now. Also used to get a fruit puree from health food shop and mix it into plain yog. The jar of puree kept for about 2 weeks or so once opened.

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