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Chocolate and Milk

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leandrews | 18:19 Tue 18th Jul 2006 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
I was melting some dark choccie in the microwave the other day, and just when it was almost melted, I added some milk. Then the mixture went all sticky and powdery.



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leandrews - Did you by chance melt the chocholate on a high setting? If you melt chocholate in the microwave, it should go on a medium to low setting, takes longer but then the chocolate wont burn & crystalize.
Yep....i would say the chocolate was too hot and it seperated
You should stir the choc if you m/wave it and as above use a lower setting is probably better unless youhave done this regularly and can second guess the melting. A bowl over a pan of hot water is really the best method. Takes a couple of minutes but he results are going to be predictable.

As it was scorched it can't be used as the flavour will be mucked up - even adding pure oil of coca butter won't help.

There is a lot of fat in choc, and one remedy if the choc thickens too much - cos of water getting into it - add a little pure white fat - not butter - and this will thin the choc a bit. If its still too thick - stir in some cream and you have a great choc sauce.

Steam will 'break down' the choc, as this introduces water which is a no-no.

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