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rag pudding

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wendypol | 23:37 Thu 17th Aug 2006 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
Has anyone got a recipe for a savoury rag pudding or knows where I might find one thans in advance.


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A rag pudding is oblong in shape,made of suet pastry,filled with skirt steak and onions or minced beef and onions.It is then wrapped in any cloth you have eg.cut up pillowcases and tied,then boiled for minimum of 2hrs.

there's a recipe here htm#4
since suet pastry isn't sweet, I would just make it, roll flat, fill with savoury mince and then roll up and bake in the oven. (like you would a jam roly poly.)
I 've only had it once, but that's what it seemed like to me.
It was VERY nice.
Are you from Lancashire?
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Thanks Nomad makes me feel hungry just thinking about it. Unfortunately the recipe site you suggested is for the sweet type.
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Hi crisgal afraid it doesn`t work in the oven. Friends had rag pudding at the Moorcock Inn at Littlebrough a few months ago while walking the Pennine Way and haven`t stopped talking about it since.
have you tried it? I do my jam roly poly in the oven - straight out of the bero book. And my suet pastry topping for hot pot, and my dumplings. Does the texture go a bit dry?
i bet you could pressure cook it!
I have family in the penines - i'll ask around. x
Found this recipe on the following site:-

Rag Pudding
(traditional Lancashire dish)
Author : Jan

Description : Steak and kidney suet pudding cooked in rags.

1lb diced steak and kidney
1 medium white onion
1 packet suet ( Atora is best )
1lb self raising flour
salt and pepper to season
1 cup of cold water
1 CLEAN rag - Cotton - I usually use old cotton shirts cut up.
1 safety pin, or string for fastening


Put the flour and suet into a bowl and rub together until the consistency of breadcrumbs is made.

Mix with cold water to form a soft dough.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface. Roll into a large circle big enough to hold the steak and kidney.

Place steak and kidney, diced onions and seasoning into the middle of the dough circle. Fold this mixture up into a dough parcel, place in the rag, tie up like a parcel or ball and secure with a string or a safety pin.

Alternatively, you can make them into individual sized puddings using smaller rags.

Place in a pan of cold water, bring to the boil then simmer on a low heat for about 2 hours.

HTH, Tabourba
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Thanks Tabourba
You must have been doing a trawl through the website as my question was posted August 2006. Thanks again I will certainly give it a try and report back. Watch this space, it may be some time in the next 4 months when I am feeling up to it.

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