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laurence2 | 16:52 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Food & Drink
57 Answers
wasen't sure what catagory to put this one under, so i tried this one seeing its busy. lol Can you name an english dish.


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Anything is possible, if shes a Doc, she will get caught out, my wifes a nurse, and a very good one at that
I think the Dr might be whiffey ? wot do you reckon ?
whiffey seems to be fairly normal today though.
the doc claims to be an old man though
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Why would a retired Doc want to come on here?

It don't add up ray/red, it don't add up.

She or he will have to be very very good not to get caught out on here, theirs to many smart arses us 3 included
hey, who you calling an arse? i much prefer to be a smart bottom ta muchly :)

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sorry Red, a smart Bumbalareo

peace pudding
I don't mind being an arse, better than a Fanny, isn't it ???? whoever it is,they will trip themselves up, won't they !!
bit early for bob to be out and about isnt it? Ive never had any dealing with him before and hes trying to start on me and others. Ho hum, better than changing nappies i suppose.

(steak and kidney pudding)
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Red, you haven't read the footie section with him/me then?

Hes alright, he just can't stand trivial post so to speak, what begs the question why respond then.

[mars bars in batter]
you see I never venture into the land of the sweaty guys in footy shirts :)

So i only ever see his posts of an evening that are just twaddle. Harmless enough, doesnt bother me, but can now see that they are obviously just taking mick out of the chatter threads. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Pie, mash and Liquor, covered in vinegar and eaten properly with a spoon and fork !!!! luvlly grub eh laurence ?
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Now your talking Ray, proper grub?

Red, {pinch of salt} bob?
Yep, large pinch of salt.

had pie mash and liquor the other week, was not impressed with the liquor it didnt taste of anything at all.

The Doc has gone, and not to parenting. ?

(liver and bacon)
red bob is a real wind up merchant he'd argue with his shadow, he's ok though I like bob, very quick with his insults, lol

could eat some now laurence, as you say proper grub !!
Did you cover it in vinegar red ? hope you didn't use a Kife & fork either,

Toad in the hole !!!
Whats a Kife ? Knife, thats better !!!
are you supposed to put vinegar on it? eurgh, thats gross. :)

I did use knife and fork too, Im so so sorry Ray :(

Im sure the next time Bob and I cross paths i will know what hes like by then.

(chocolate pudding)
Try it again red, lots of vinegar and use a spoon and fork,

Honorary Cockney, no greater honour can I give you

Bread and butter pudding
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Red, at least i got YOU right in my top 3 {legends} very witty indeed, i,m a bit of a comedian myself, i can't go through life with a serious head on all the time

is food & drink the new CB now lol

i might be wrong, but i have a suspicion the Dr. is whiffey. so far in all his threads there's always something to arouse suspicion

Royal Patrician, Roy Kirkham and Royal Winton

Royal Dulton

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