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soda bread

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tallyot | 20:05 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
how do i make soda bread


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14 oz plain flour or wholemeal.
1tsp salt
2 tsp bicarb
half oz butter
2oz oatmeal
1tsp clear honey
half a pint buttermilk
2 tbsp milk

Preheat oven to 200C

Sift the flour bicarb and salt into a bowl ..rub in the butter ,stir in the oatmeal ..make a well in the centre.
Mix the honey ,buttermik and milk together and add.Mix to a soft dough.
Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for two or three minutes ,shape into a round and place on a greased baking sheet..Dust the top with flour and with a sharp knife make a cross in the top.
Bake 30 to 35 mins until risen and sounds hollow when knocked on the bottom.Cool and eat immediately with plenty of butter and jam !
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hi shaneystar2. i would like to thank you very much for your quick reply.i will give your recipe a go.i have never made one before but i will give it my best are a star.
best wishes
You are welcome tallyot ..hope it turns out Ok for you ..I often make this in the wintertime's quick and easy and delish !
Alternative white flour version....

450g plain white unbleached flour
1 level tsp salt
1 level tsp bicarbonate soda
350ml buttermilk, plus a little extra

Preheat the oven to 230˚C/gas mark 8.

Sieve the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour in the 350ml buttermilk, all in one go. Mix and add more buttermilk if necessary - the dough should be softish, but not wet and sticky.

When it comes together, turn it out onto a floured board and knead the dough lightly for a few seconds - just enough to bind it, but don't over knead..... Form into a round, about 2.5cm deep and cut a cross into the top.

PLace in oven and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 200˚C/gas mark 6 for 20 minutes or until cooked. To check if done, tap the underside which should sound hollow.
you can get buttermilk in Asda and Morrison's at milk and yoghurt secton.

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