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saturday morning tv

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crisgal | 15:41 Sat 26th Aug 2006 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
saturday kitchen or the itv one? which is the best? I'm torn!


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Definitely the BBC1 programme, James Martin all the way! Plus some weeks if lucky they will show exerts from the Naked Chef! :-)
No contest at all....James Martin is the tastiest chef on TV. He's absolutely gorgeous in the flesh too. Lucky me, I've met him. Plus his recipes are ones that duffers like me can make!

Ditch them both and watch Soccer am on Sky Sports 1 - much more fun!
Claire Sweeney is enough to make anybody turn the television off. Not only must we endure her and her "Chef vs Britain" section every Saturday but we also have to watch constant re-runs of "60 Minute Makeover". 6 days of Claire a week is awful.

I don't watch any of the shows though. They have no appeal. I'm sure these celebrity chefs can cook by themselves at home without the need for television cameras.
why dont you turn off the television and do something less boring instead ....
I flick between the two but think James Martin is the best......AWT does grunt like a trufle pig
Saturday MORNING tv. I`d prefer to watch paint dry.
JamesMartin is food candy but lacks AWT's personality and cheekiness. Wish they'd leave good idea's alone - if they had, I'd still watch. Instead, I do something completely different and save the time I wasted and forget about eating. Any slimmer? Doubt it.

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