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evertonsue | 09:01 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
When you ask someone if they want a sandwich, am I right in believing that sandwich means 2 slices of bread not 1?


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BTW Happy birthday for tuesday the 19th.I didnt realize you were still around,otherwise I would have posted it...sorry Sue...(:o)
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Ah how sweet, thanks Vinny! Have been off the scene for a while but can always rely on you guys for answers.
Thanks for the response, i knew I was right
Depends where you are, evertonsue. Down here, a sandwich is one slice, folded over. A round of sandwiches is two slices, one on top of the other.
do you mean a "buttie"
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Where's down here Kim?
The verb 'sandwich' means to put something between two other things. Likewise, a sandwich is something between two slices of bread. The OED confirms that.
well if you mean "downhere" is south, you are very much mistaken. Im from south and a sandwhich is 2 slice of bread, one on the other with filling in the middle.
Two slices with something between makes a sandwich. One slice with something on top makes an open sandwich
We speak about a piece and to me a piece is what it says, a piece of loaf, cut in two or folded over.
Here in the Southern part of the USA - a sandwich always has 2 slices of bread - unless it is designated as an open faced sandwich - which is usually sliced roast beef, turkey, etc. with mashed potatoes and gravy on top of it. When my Mother made me a sandwich with one slice of bread she just called it a fold over - not a sandwich.
It has 2 slices, or one slice folded over with filling beween, or as BBW says, unless its an open sandwich, then just 1 slice is used, with stuff piled on top
but a shop near me sells a bread sandwich??? apparently it means a sandwich made of bread, and not aslice of bread between 2 others, as i first thought...
doctor, get the medicine

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