Soon the great day had arrived and his parents put on a wedding feast for the bride and groom in Timnah. It was at this party that Samson wagered heavily that no one could answer a riddle he then posed to the guests;
Out of the eater came forth food,
And out of the strong came forth sweetness (Judges 14:14).
As no one could possibly guess the answer to the riddle, the Philistines were angered and threatened to hurt the family of Samson's new wife unless she discovered and revealed the solution to that puzzling riddle. His new wife reluctantly did so and when Samson discovered his wife's betrayal and the treachery of the Philistines, it upset him so much that he called upon his super human strength and single-handedly killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. This was Samson's way of settling the debt for the lost wager. The father of Samson's new wife thought that this action was in bad taste and since the wedding night had never taken place, he took his daughter back and ended the marriage.