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freeze cheese

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mandimoo | 14:19 Tue 10th Oct 2006 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
can you freeze a hard cheese, such as cheddar?


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Yes. But make sure you wrap it well. I find it is more useable if it has been grated first.
mandi - Yes you can, we do a monthly shop & buy a large block of cheddar & cut it into about six smaller pieces wrapped in greaseproof paper then put it into one large freezer bag.
Surely mandimoo,this will bu**er up the taste?(:o)
i regularly freeze bits of leftover cheese and when ive got enough bits i defrost them and make a quiche.
lol - how funny is that, a reply from hapus which is happy in welsh and bendigedig which is fabulous!
I often freeze cheddar, but you might find there's a very slight deterioration in taste after defrosting.

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