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boiling the kettle

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mandimoo | 09:20 Wed 01st Nov 2006 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
ive recently been told that you should not boil the water in a kettle more than once. something to do with oxygenation of the water...? can anyone clarify?


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Re-boiling water takes the oxygen out and gives it a nasty tinny, metalic taste. This fouls the coffee or tea.

Try it and see.

Always boil just enough water for your immediate needs, then empty the kettle.

I pour my excess hot water into a large flask, which I then use for washing up.
I only found this out when the health visitor told me to never reboil water for a babies bottle.

Never knew why though
The kettle here at work makes disgusting tea if you boil the water more than once, but in our case I think it's just our minging kettle

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boiling the kettle

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