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vodka and whisky

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sipukka | 17:41 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
can you freeze vodka and other spirits and make cubes from them to add to mixers


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One site says 80 proof vodka will freeze at approximately -26.95C or -16.51F. 100 proof vodka will freeze at approximately -40.43C or -40.78F... so while the correct answer would be yes, the fact is home freezers won't reach this low of temperature. You could, however, freeze it with dry ice, which reaches a temperature of nearly -100 degrees F...
I always keep vodka in the freezer!
mmmmmmm vodka with toffees disolved in it then frozen, or jelly vodka, but favourite is vodka with ginger and lime,

sorry off topic a little, i keep my vodka in the freezer, it does not freeze, but when i recieved some tesco's finest vodka, the same as morrisons the best i believe, which was 43% proof, that froze in the freezer
Not in a domestic freezer.
would teh vodka not expand when frozen
would the vodka not expand when frozen

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vodka and whisky

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