Hi Mooria,
You could do a large pot of soup, Leek and Potato is easy and cheap. Double the amount here and it will serve 12. Just make sure you have 11 soup bowls lol....
400g (1lb) leeks
200g (8oz) potatoes
1 medium onion
4 tbsp oil
750ml vegetable stock
250ml milk
Salt & pepper
1. Slice the leeks and roughly chop the potatoes and onion. Saute the vegetables in hot oil for 10 minutes.
2. Add the stock and season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
3. Stir in the milk. Transfer to a liquidiser and blend until smooth. Reheat gently before serving.
If you have a hand held liquidiser all the better and so much easier to liquidise in the pot :-)