I was In too much of a hurry, so instead of waiting a couple of days till the bread was as it should be whizzed it up this morning with thyme, parsley and sage. The result is a mass of bright green gunge.
If I leave it uncovered in a bowl will it 'stale up' and recover - or must I buy a new load of herbs? Thank you for any advice.
Cetti, only thing I can think of is to let it 'stale up', whizz up some more bread crumbs and see of you can incorporate these into the gunge, might not work, guess it depends on how gungy the gunge is.
Thanks warpig, I did try that before the SOS, but I now have an even bigger load of green gunge. I'm a bit short on patience at the moment, but it's worth a try.
lol Cetti - thanks for the laugh this morning!!! I think you should just put a decoration of pimentos or red pepper on top and tell them you made it in Christmas colors!!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
from an old lady in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Is the stuffing for your Christmas turkey? If it is I would freeze it until the day before and then defrost overnight. If it is a bit too damp it will certainly dry out while cooking (and keep the turkey moist!).
If you can't freeze it then I'd chuck it out and start again nearer the time as it will go off.
I like the suggestion of telling everyone it is organic!! LOL
Pepperidge Farm� Stuffing
Great stuffing begins with great bread � Pepperidge Farm� bread of course! We add just the right blend of select herbs and spices to create a stuffing you'll be proud to serve to your family and friends. With so many varieties to choose from, you'll be sure to find the perfect one to accompany your meal.
Herbed Seasoned
Cubed Herb Seasoned
Cubed Country Style
Cubed Sage and Onion
It's my own fault, as this stuffing was my Mother's recipe and has been used for about 50 years without any hiccups - until I decide to use the wrong bread... that'll teach me..
The stuffing i make takes no time at all. My gran and mam used to make it this way..
Whack a couple of slices of bread into the food processor so it doesn't matter if is stale or not.
Boil diced onion until soft and drain most of the liquid off.
Mix it with crumbs and some sage and pop it into a dish and into the oven for half an hour.