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burnt on food on a roasting tin

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normy | 19:05 Sun 04th Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
What is the best way to clean the bits that have been burnt onto a roasting tin over a period of years?


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Years !! ?? Get a new one !
Quite ....throw it away and buy a new one ..even if you scrub all the burnt bits off with a Brillo or suchlike you will damage the surface and it will burn again.These things are cheap enough to buy .
A friend of mine gets ammonia from the chemist, puts the offending item in a bin bag and puts the ammonia in. Not sure what happens next but she got the tip from Kim and Aggie. I know ammonia is dangerous, perhaps buying a new one is wiser!
lol @ scotman 84!
Years !! ?? Get a new one !
Put it in the garden, upside down on the grass and in a few days the roasting tin fairies will of been round and cleaned it, of course, if you don't believe in them they won't come, in which case.........bin it and buy a new one !!!! :-)
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put it on the stove and fill up with cheap cola. boil it for about an hour or so and the burn bits will wipe away easy
soak in a strong solution of soda crystals and hot water for couple of hours then should clean off quite easily. Alternatively if you have a dishwasher put it in with the stuff you clean the dishwasher with periodically
for a moment there billearly.......!! I shouldn't be so sensitive!

normy, you could try stewing up some rhubarb skins and off-cuts and spread it over the base of the tin and leave overnight. (Don't add custard!) :O)
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Thanks all...
I would bin it, but it is a stainless steel tin and quite expensive, and also I don't see the point in putting something unnecessarily into landfill!

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burnt on food on a roasting tin

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