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Cafeti�re help, please!

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Cetti | 13:58 Fri 26th Dec 2003 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
After mastering the Blow Torch I now move on to the Cafeti�re. My newest buy was welcomed with loud Mmm's as the coffee was wonderful - but how do you wash up the thing? We tried to dismantle it with a screwdriver (don't laugh!) as the grounds were jammed between the metal filters, but this doesn't seem very practical. There must be an easier way, surely?


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Thats the way ours works. You grab hold of the filter assembly in one hand, the top knob in the other and unscrew it. I think there are about 4 or 5 discs to the filter. Don't forget to remember which order, and which way up, they go.
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Thanks sddsddean, that's another mystery solved. After using it a few more times I've got the hang of it.
Use the blowtorch on it ;-)
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I like that Gef :D!!

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Cafeti�re help, please!

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