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beerbelly | 00:18 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | Food & Drink
53 Answers
I drink Every night of the week , I also have a Very hot curry EVERY night .
Although this is great , I must ask , am i an alcoholic ?
I admit i need my curry each night ,but can go a night without one .
however , can't sleep without a drink .
Think I probably know the answer , but am in denial .
What should I do ?


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Another reason for my evening drink is probably the fact that I am a lone parent with kids.

I like to think if I had some nice man here to keep me company, I would find other things to occupy the late evening! lol

Opened the Baileys in the end beerbelly......Well it is nearly Christmas!
You don't need to ration your alcohol for budget only ... you can actually keep record of how much you save as a result of not drinking per week....

As for not sleeping without drink, try non-alcoholic beer if its the taste that you're addicted to. IF you have sleeping issues, I think you should see a GP about sleeping pills etc. as drink is not the way to get some sleep. Period
I drunk at least one bottle of wine every day for years - a couple of glasses at lunch time, the rest in the evening. So this was spread out over many hours.

Never ever drunk, never ever had a hangover.

In April I had blood tests because I was having a lot of nose bleeds. Totally unrelated to the nose bleeds, but it was found my liver was seriously sick - I have not been able to drink at all since, and have to have regular blood tests.

I am also not allowed some over the counter medicines and some prescription medicines because my liver is no longer capable of processing them and will be further damaged.

I looked and felt fine before I had the blood tests. I suggest you get your liver checked.
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Hey Petal~flower , I was a single parent for about 10 years or so , till my son flew the nest 3 or 4 years ago .
( thats when I hit the drink )
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Thanks Ethel , will do that .
How many kids do you have Petal_Flower? Do you think its healthy for them to you get drunk every night?
beerbelly, you started to drink more when your kids left then?

When my kids are at their dads, thats once a fortnight, I do tend to drink more, only because I am on my own, and not responsible for anyone else at the time. Not saying I drink myself into a haze, but tend to get bored, (and lonely) to be honest.

Then wake up next day feeling awful!
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Petal~flower , You dont live in Sunderland Do you ?
Sometimes the Blue bird of happiness is in your own back yard ....?
x x
blu3wave. I do not get drunk any night, let alone every.

I have a couple of glasses of wine to end my day. I am a working lone parent of 4 children. Who are all lovely and well kept for.

Where did I say I was ever drunk?
beerbelly, I live in Norfolk. And really I should be in bed, as got school runs tomorrow, then work.

See blu3wave what a responsible parent I am

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Thats probably my fault for leading you all down this path .
no its not beerbelly.

I read your post and I could see where you were coming from, (not the curry bit though lol)

I did actually speak to my dr about my drinking routine, and did have blood tests taken. All were fine. But alcohol causes other problems too, which we all know.

I still think I need to stop the evening tipple, but for now, its not affecting my day to day living. Just giving me a wine gut lol
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Take care petal~flower , and thanks to you all for your comments , will take stock of my life in the morrow . and hopefully do something about my problems .
Sorry to burden you with them ......x..x..Gordon .
You have not burdened me at all. Talking to someone else in a similar position has been good for me. And hope it has for you too.

See you around.

Take care xx
beerbelly, sorry hun only just read your thread.........exactly what you have written I went though some time back..I couldn't sleep without a bev and just ate junk food. But I blamed that on something that went on in my life.....I really know about the drink and helping you get off to sleep....beerbelly I know it sounds really hard now, but go and have a word with your GP, just tell him or her how you feel, you sound like the way I was.....couldn't be arsed, felt like your life was worth nothing....but beebelly it is...really it is....I got through mine.....I have a bev on a Saturday now...that my little can do this mate.......

Thinking of you XXXX
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Thanks Redbel , am struggling at the moment , but so many positive comments ,that I have to try .
Remember got all these lovely people wishing the best for take are in my thoughts mate.....xxxx
Morning beerbelly. Hope you are feeling OK today. Noted all my replies, were very self centred. Typical of me! So very sorry about that. I should think before I write.

Have a good day OK x

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Morning Petal~flower ,Thanks again for your comments .
I do feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life .
I just needed to get it all off my chest .

Have a good day .
xx Gordon
I also drink most nights and enjoy regular curries. It does nobody else any harm so carry on enjoying your pint and your Ruby.

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