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What could you never eat.

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Lucy Thomas | 10:34 Sat 08th Dec 2007 | Food & Drink
44 Answers
What is the one food that you wouldn't or couldn't eat. It needs to be something that you've tried but just can't eat.

Mine is goat's cheese. I've tried it a few times but every time it is just as disgusting as before. I think that's about the only thing for me. I'll eat just about everything else.


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agree with carrust about the offal. remember my gran eating chitterlings, what were they exactly, some sort of sheeps innards i think!
as for myself, its a case of "pass the scalpel please" if theres even a hint of fat on meat, it just makes me heave, I'll only ever order chicken in restaurants (breast only!) cos its too embarassing to leave a pile of dissected meat on the edge of the plate, Granny would have been mortified!
Can't say as I'm too keen on the fatty bits myself slinkycat. I think Lucy's posed a difficult question, because once you think of one revolting thing, others spring to mind - such as very rare beef! Yuck. I can't stand to look at it, let alone eat it, if there's still blood oozing from it.
know what you mean... lychees spring to mind, not to mention oysters, octopus, cockles....hubby made me try one once, it was like eating a sand filled piece of rubber:-(
Brilliant! Splutter! Whelks aren't too good, either! You chew on them for ages, and they never seem to disappear. Octopus - well, I went to the Munich beer festival and bought some chocolate thingy. When I bit into it - it was octopus inside it!!!
is that some sort of german delicacy that i havn't heard of? Chocolate covered seafood? ugh its almost enough to put you off your green & blacks!
Must say it made me grimace!!! Haven't a clue whether it's a German delicacy or not. Been over there about 30 times, and never come across the rotten stuff before or since! Btw - don't you like lychees? Nice!
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Glad you'vce never eaten one of those legend - bit gristly, so I hear.
Oooo I love lychees!
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nope, think its the only fruit i've come across that i don't like, remind me of slimy eyeballs! nice talkin to you, off to bed now, hopefully won't dream of fatty chocolate covered raw fish products!
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Was that to me legend? Sorry if so. I'm doing a couple of things at once here. Invite me as your friend (when the "new" AB gets faster), and I'll pm you. I answered you once before, and there's genuine reason why I haven't - which might not be as you think.
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Potted Haugh -o man -bet it tastes just fine but the thought is enough..
However I refused to eat rabbit ever until we arrived in Spain late one night and our neighbours (as always) invited us in and it was a rabbit casserole (they are Portugese) -I just bit the bullet and tried it and it was delicious as she had cooked it in a nice Portugese spicy sauce -so im fine with rabbit now.

Im not big on offal -never tried it but dont think I could -yeuch.

are we still on food or are we wandering ??

brussels sprouts do it for me every time - Mum used to boil them into oblivion then put vinegar on them - why would anyone in their right mind do that ?? lets not go there, but please what is durian ??? and testicles don't appeal much either, now that I think of it or sheep's eyes either - yuck !!!
I'm not - although I don't have to make excuses for myself. I've also had probs with the new AB, in more ways than one. Then again - so've lots of other people, from what I can tell.
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Hey - chill out - I was joking! Oh - I see jno's just been on. This person apparently didn't think much to someone's post about me last night. It was just friends asking where I was when I was banished, but it was supposedly a silly waste of time!
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