Morning clanad just wanted to say that I made your spinach recipe last night and it was devine!!!!!! Truely scrumptious! I though I had made too much but mrwarpig and myself eat the lot.
Bad news about the basil. when I opened the bags I didn't get that lovely basily smell. Made up one small batch of pesto and it tasted bitter, the leaves were jaggedy at the edges. I wonder if they were from a more mature plant, they definitely weren't off or anything, but just didn't taste quite right. Bit of a false economy on my part, well I guess it was only 60p so I wont cry too much.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! We do it often, but sometimes, when a recipe is recommended, differing tastes come to different conclusions... Have a really good day! (Sorry about the off putting basil... were the bags plastic? Basil doesn't do well cooped up in airless containers...)
Yes they were plastic, I would normally buy the whole plant. The leaves were very big maybe 4" for some. I planted some in the garden during the summer and after a while it didn't smell like basil anymore, just leafy if that makes sense, well this smelled the same. Just glad I made a small batch up first and didnt waste all the cheese and pine nuts!