I think I'm stubborn enough to not start a petition. I'm not sure why people didn't not start one earlier - this is true democracy in action.
Furthermore, I will be taking indirect action against Nestl� and I will make sure I don't go on a protest march. Next Tuesday at 3pm outside Westminster - will anyone else not be there?
Sorry, what with everything else going on, I clean forgot to not start a petition and started one by mistake. But I have now started to not continue making a petition, which I think is the next-best thing.
there already is one (probably alot more than one actually). nestle have been boycotted against for about 30 years now, although their profits are down at the moment and they have sold off some brands so maybe it's starting to get to them the ****! www.babymilkaction.org
I think there already has been a fair few petitions in the 30 odd years that company has been boycotted against, for very good reasons! even my 5 year old understands why! as said before see babymilkaction
goddammit. I was doing ever so well but I had a bit of a late night on Saturday, eat late, and now I find I've gone and un-done all my hard work by sleep petitioning Nestle. I feel I have let you all down and I will be removing myself from AB for the forseeable. Apologies once again - I am ashamed. Try to find it in your hearts to forgive me.