prawns.. and the bit along their 'back' in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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prawns.. and the bit along their 'back'

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Nosha123 | 14:57 Wed 11th Jun 2008 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Does anyone know - when you buy cheap prawns... what is the black nasty stringy bit that runs along their 'backs'.... Is it Prawn Poo?????

I notice some prawns dont have it and some do - so wondered what it was!!!!
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I believe it's their intestinal sack or something of that nature - very horrible if you accidently eat one with it in.
Yes I believe it is their intestines, the lower end of which will contain poo!
For small prawns/shripms it is normal to eat the whole prawn (minus head and shell!), but with large prawns or langoustines, then if it is big enough to remove easily then you should do so. The ones with no black lines must have already had it removed, only possible if the shell is off already.
you can get cheap prawns at sainsburys nowadays and the bit at the back is just a vein
The dark line is the intestinal tract... if it shows as black... it's full... of pooh. It's not harmful to eat, but it can be a bit gritty if left in...
Its the intestine and should not be eaten especially if they are not 'farmed' prawns as you can contract stomach probs,

To remove: de-shell the raw prawn, slit the back and slide out.
urghh, i hate prawns but my kids love em and i always buy the cheap ones. how vile. will have to look out for that. how grose.

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prawns.. and the bit along their 'back'

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