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Cooking in an arga

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Hamish | 08:34 Fri 10th Sep 2004 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Can anyone recomend a book for cooking and bakeing in an arga type oven?


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Aga Cooking by Amy ********
Lol I can't believe my answer has been edited. I guess Answerbank thinks the author's surname is too rude. It is "Aga Cooking" by Amy Willc0ck
Mary Berry's Aga books (1 and 2) these are more traditional than Amy's but good for the basics.
I think most books would burn if you put them in an Aga.
"Good Housekeeping" New Aga Cookbook: Over 150 Recipes for Agas and Other Range Ovens 94867981/202-4825275-8815845

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