What types of food (&drink) do you miss that aren't available anymore? I can think of Chutney flavoured Outer Spacers & Puffa Puffa Rice breakfast cerial from the early 80's
Well, speaking of scottish tablet. They were definitely selling it in Woolworths last time i looked. Made by Lee's. They had Lee's fudge also i'm pretty sure.
Remember a dessert called Rice Cremola? It was yellow, a bit like thick custard, but with a rice base. It was fantastic, and they stopped making it. Boo!
DJGr@y I'm eating some right now! I'm in London and our work often takes us to Edinburgh and Glasgow and whoever goes on the trips is advised to get a large box of tablet otherwise the consequences will be very messy!
I missed Roast Beef Monster Munch but they came back to life recently!! I'm only 21 so there isn't much I miss really...hard question! How about Cadburys Creme Eggs? I'm sure they have shrunk ten fold since I was a kid. And Wagon Wheels. Although you can still buy them, I'm positive they used to be a lot bigger. I can fit a whole one in my mouth now in one go if I tried!
I miss white chocolate flakes which they used to sell in Woolworths and white chocolate eclairs from Marks and Spencer.