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Help needed for new oven

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Cetti | 18:54 Thu 23rd Sep 2004 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
I've had a new electric oven fitted this afternoon and the instructions are practically nil. Most of it I can sort of work out, but there is a Defrost setting which I don't have a clue about - and Creda's Instruction Manual ( all of 2 pages) isn't giving anything away - so if there is anyone who would help me would be really grateful.


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how the hell do you defrost an oven?
just kidding, the defrost is there to serve the same purpose as the defrost feature on a microwave, to thaw food.
What is the model number? It will probably be possible to find the full Instruction Manual on Creda's website.
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I agree with you peanut - what is the purpose of this function in an oven..? Still, having put the stupid thing there you would think they would at least tell you how it works - especially as I don't own a microwave - so am even more clueless.
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Thanks Steve, I thought it might be there as well but no - not a thing. I have e-mailed Creda as the End Time function button refuses to disappear from the timer face as well - what a mess...!

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Help needed for new oven

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