Can somebody please explain why some recipes specify the types of utensil to be used. What difference does it make if a cake ,for instance, is mixed using a wooden or metal spoon?
Hi paddy, wooden spoons will not scratch non stick pan surfaces. Also the bowl end of a wooden spoon is thicker than a metal one and so properly mixes the mixture instead of just cutting in to it! xxx
Thanks for the info Sachs, I thought there must be a practical reason (other then the non stick one) but I couldn't see what. I'm afraid I just use what comes to hand first.which is probably why I'm always in trouble for damaging the best pans etc
Some recipes also tell you to use metal, usually for things like stirring flour into a fluffy beaten egg mixture. The metal spoon has sharper edges and doesnt knock the air out of the mixture like a wooden sppon would. So thngs like meringues, and sponges are better done with a wooden spoon, or they may turn out a bit flat and airless!!
Wooden sppons are btter for mixtures that need smooth creamy, non airated mixtures, like a custard or brownie mixture.