Homemade Sweets??? in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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Homemade Sweets???

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puddicat | 17:13 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Recipes
21 Answers
This year myself and one of the service users are going to make sweets,he is going to make some for his mum, we will box and wrap in them beautifully, i am looking for any easy sweet recipes,i have a good tablet recipe, and my mate is going to throw in his mums truffle recipe,was looking for any toffee or fudge recipes,some on my other guys dont have anybody and that makes sad, so we will make a box each for them, many thanks!!
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This recipe is one my mum made when I was small, and they were scrumptious.

Box of Icing Sugar
Tin of Sweetened Condensed Milk
A few drops of either Peppermint essence, or Almond Essence.

Put icing sugar into a large bowl, stir in the condensed milk until the consistency is like a dough.
Tip out on to a baking board dusted with icing sugar, roll out, then cut into long strips, not too thin, about three-quarters of an inch wide. Take each strip and roll between (clean) hands, till they are sausage shaped, about the thickness of chipolatas. Then with a clean sterilised pair of scissors, cut into one inch lengths, this crimps the ends. Lay aside on a large baking tray to harden off a little. Of course using this recipe, all the sweets will be a creamy white. But you can if you wish make separate batches, adding to each a few drops of cochineal, for pink, or yellow or green food colouring. Be careful to only use a couple of drops when mixing the icing sugar and condensed milk, as the essences and colourings are very intense. Let me know if you decide to give this a try. I can assure you we adored them as children. Good Luck.
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thanks schu, sounds lovely, think i will colour them, as colour plays a big part in our guys lives !!!!
Hi, just thought of another.

Cinder Toffee.

It 's made by boiling Golden Syrup, and adding Cream of Tartar until it bubbles, then pour into a greased (with butter) tin. A swiss roll tin or similar will do. Set aside to cool, When cold, break up into smallish pieces. Sorry I'm not sure of the quantities of syrup and cream of tartar to use, but perhaps you can track it down. If you make two trays, one can be left as it is (a golden colour), and the other tray, you can pour over melted chocolate, and leave to set. This was another favourite. I hope someone will be able to enlighten you as to the quantities to use.
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funny enough schu made that for the guys on bonfire night, the recipe was crap, turned out like really hard shards of glass, cant really break that up and box it though in pretty cases,but will try again trying your recipe, we call it puff candy here!!
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sorry schu no recipe, i am sure a kind aber will give me theres cinder toffee recipe a pleasure at any time of the year!!!
Just try a small amount. It should turn out smooth on the outside and with small bubble holes on the inside, a bit like the inside of Crunchy Bars.
It sounds as if you're going to be very busy. What's your job. I hope the guys enjoy the experience. Are you going to let them have a go at making the sweets, or just helping.
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schu support worker sadly they cannot help,but the guy who is making sweets for his mum can watch me do them!!
Wow - what a rewarding if tiring job. Bless you.
I'm sorry some of the guys don't have anyone (family) etc.
But you can tell them you have a friend cares about them, and will be thinking of them at Christmas.
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schu u are making me teary lol,sadly thats how it is,one of the guys story is really sad,obviously cannot divulge it!!!
These all look pretty easy to make ..there's a fudge one .
In fact I may have a go myself ,especially the truffles :)
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thanks shaney
helpful thread....

i was thinking of making sweets as stocking fillers. never done anything like it b4 mind.

i have brought some chocolate moulds from lakeland, thats as far as ive got.

this thread as inspired me
Thanks for the lovely conversation. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with making the sweets.
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put it this way we will have a laugh cos my mate is helping me he is a nutter!!!
Ooo great link Shaney! I know what I will be doing this coming weekend!!! :o)

I bought some small christmas choc moulds from M&S last year, they were �5. We are going to make some up this year for presents and try to do like a marbled effect with milk and white chocolate, just so they look a bit different.
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yep think its really lovely when someone has gone out of the way to make something be it sweets or other things,even if they are rubbish lol!!!
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would really like home tested recipes though, i took my cinder/puff candy recipe from the bbc food archive and it was totally rotten!!!
Stuffed dates. Really easy one is to remove the stone from dates that come in these long boxes. roll little lengths of golden marzipan & pop them in where the stone was then sprinkle castor sugar over the top.
Peppermint creams are easy too & can be half choc dipped.
Macaroons, boil small potato WITHOUT SALT. Mash it & beat in icing sugar..... i swear you will never guess its cold potato ......... make into little balls, dip in melted choc & roll in toasted coconut to coat the choc
We do raspberry ruffles! A 200g box of coconut, a packet of jelly crystals and mix them together with enough condensed milk to make it stick, and roll into balls and put them on a baking tray in the fridge for an hour

Then coat them in melted chocolate and return to the fridge!

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