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Where can I get REAL sour cream?

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larabell | 15:12 Tue 12th Feb 2002 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
Help! Why is the sour cream I buy in the grocery stores here so runny? Why isn't it thick like it is in Mexican/American restaurants? Am I supposed to whisk it or something?


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Buy Creme Fraiche instead. It is soured and is much thicker. If it isnt sour enough you can add lemon juice to it. The reason why is to do with how much whey the manufacturers leave in.
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Thanks for the suggestion but I want PROPER sour cream. Restaurants here can get it, why can't I? Ta, A Frustrated, Displaced Yank in London.
Creme Fraiche IS proper soured cream. It is soured in culture just as the yank stuff is. Or you can make it yourself....same process as for yoghurt. Or ring round some dairy suppliers. HT Webb supply cheeses and cultured milk products to most restaurants and supermarkets. Drop them a line. They are on the web

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Where can I get REAL sour cream?

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