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Plum Chutters

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oldmegan | 19:08 Thu 12th Feb 2009 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Any idea wot this is, pse? Apparently, they are served with cheese and biscuits!!!!


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Found some references here to it being cheese related but seems like a trademark name. 1
sounds like a slang way of saying plum chutney, which would go very nicely with cheese.
yummy....just what I need; plum cheescake.
Chutters, following up on Jenna's link, is a spreadable cheddar cheese, probably made up from the words ''cheese'' and ''butter''.
But there's also an American candy store called Chutter's in New Hampshire, with a website that's not fully up and running here
Oops. Sorry. Scroll down the news item to''Getting There'' and click on the ''Chutters'' link

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