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MORELLO | 10:35 Wed 10th Nov 2004 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
How far can you chuck a 200g tin of Spam?


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Not far enough ......
As far as the toilet bowl.
hahahah how random! im guessin it all depends on the brand........?? ha
less far than a 100g tin of spam
With or without the label?
Not sure, but I am so very tempted to find out.
Do an experiment. Ask someone to stand one foot away from you and chuck it at you.

Well MORELLO, this needs clarification,

1. if i've just picked up the tin and given it a sling....a few metres.

2. If i've picked up the tin and taken a good long look at the dated, garish design....a few metres more.

3.  If i've picked up the tin, looked at the aforementioned offensive design, THEN read how bad it is for me, and the nasty ingredients....i could sling it a long old way


4.  If i've picked up the tin, taken a butchers at the awful design, read the list of life shortening ingredients, but still haven't been put off, i open the beast, take a sniff, and braving the pong, take a bite of the slimy, squishy, luminous pink mass......i could throw it                   @%$&ING MILES!!!

Who cares???...........

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