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cranberry sauce

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spiff | 18:27 Tue 07th Dec 2004 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
Ok, i'm getting on a bit (35) but when in God's name did cranberry sauce become so poular in the uk with christmas dinner? Up to about 15 years ago, nobody had it;they just had gravy!  I know it's popular in the U.S. for thanksgiving etc.,but it just seems that everyone says they've alwats had it at christmas now. fair play, I'm from the north and maybe it's just it took a while to get here, but personally with me it has to be gravy. Cranberry sauce is just wrong!!


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I'm getting on a bit too & I remember cranberry sauce being something that tv cooks mentioned but as you say nobody bothered with.

Better keep quiet about Thanksgiving - how long before we start having that too?

i think cranberry has allways been around but has got more popular..probably with so many cooking programmes and new recipe ideas,,i dont like it myself.allthough i have never had it with turkey. i went to a cocktail bar with my mate and she had a cocktail with cranberry juice and i tasted it and found it to be dry tasting,,,i think you should just have whatever you like with your turkey its a matter of taste,,i make sausagemeat and leek stuffing with my turkey as thats what my family dont have to have something just because its in fashion,,its one mans meat another mans poison,,happy munching..gypsy
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thanx. it's not that i'm a food "luddite", it's just that it seems to be a pre-requesite now. BTW gypsy, that stuffing sounds lovely!!! i make sausegemeat/tomato puree/cheese/onion stuffing.MMMmmmmmm...........
Since when has 35 been  'getting on?'  Speak for yourselves.......!! :)

Well, I particularly remember one christmas - which I think was approx 1967 - where we had apple sauce, cranberry sauce, bread sauce, gravy, plus one other I can't remember, along with 11 different vegetables & 3 different types of meat - so it's certainly been served by my northern mother in our southern household for 40 odd years at least.

I love the stuff, & always have it in stock, serve it with chicken pie among others - but I hate the juice drink which catches in your throat.

Spiff,getting on at 35? Im 56 so am I antique:-)) We never had cranberry sauce at Xmas.I tried it once on my own family years later but nobody liked it expect for my hubby. I stick with the gravy now.

Cranberry muffins, cranberry juice (can't have a Parrot Bay Breeze without it), whole cranberries on turkey.......mmmm, good stuff. Perhaps its an acquired taste. We have many cranberry bogs where I live and I grew up eating cranberries. I love 'em. That said, my wife hates them and gravy on turkey is good too.

I'm 42 and I remember cranberry sauce with Christmas dinner when I was a child in the 60s. Mum made it from frozen cranberries as you couldn't buy it in a jar back then. I think she got the recipe from a Fanny Craddock cookery book.


Sorry, spiff, I'm with the "it's always been around" camp. We always had cranberry sauce at Christmas, that's in nigh on 40 years of them!

We had bread sauce too. Yumm !


Incidentally, reminds me of a few Christmases ago (when I was single) and sitting in a pub on Christmas Day. The conversation came round to Christmas dinner and I mentioned bread sauce. My friend had never ever heard of it (I did say it's not just a Xmas thing and you could have it with chicken).

I ended up having to go to the garage-***-mini-mart  over the road to buy a packet of the stuff just to prove it existed !!

I'm afraid I'm a sheep too, and I always remember cranberry sauce with my Xmas dinner.


brachiopod, my boyfriend had never had or heard of bread sauce before either and I love it!  It's my life mission to convert him to bread sauce :)


gypsy, I can't remember which veggies we had or how many, but we usually have bread, apple and cranberry sauce too, and my brother has mint sauce on nearly everything.  That probably sounds really greedy, but it's only once a year!

Sorry Spiff I always remember Cranberry sauce in the north. I make my own now, it's so easy. 
Sorry, we've always had the option of cranberry sauce with our crimbo dinners since I can remember.  I'm only 29 though, but a youngster in comparison ;o)
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Oh,my God!! It's just me!!!!!! My dad was a Marxixt/Leninist however, so that might have something to do with my prolateriat christmas dinner. Come to think of it, he did say that christmas was a "borgoise and pagan con". It's all becoming a little more clearer now..............mmmmm
I'm with you, I don't ever remember seeing cranberry sauce until the mid eightees. We always had bread sauce. I would conjecture that it is post war.

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