OK if it is a huge brief at least select something meaningful - you have alrady added some data to your original question. Make it meanoingful for people to give you an answer - but don't insult people's intelligence or you will just get wacky answers. People on here are always prepared to help, but they need to get a proper question.
Clearly people will buy tinned food for a variety of reasons, relevant to their circumstances and the purpose to which it is to be put. For example red kidney beans bought raw have to be boiled to remove toxins and it takeas a while. Tinned beans are, in many opinions just as good and less trouble as that part of the process is already carried out.
Certain tinned products will define a category - to many people tomato soup means Heinz, but some other Heinz soups have neve attained the smae acceptability as they do not taste as good.
Other tinned products acquire a different quality from the fresh product and van almost be treated as a separate item, tinned peaches compared to fresh or tined pineapple similarly.
Tinned Fish such as salmon is anotherwhere the tinned variety is good on its own but different from fresh.
Some products these days are virtually only available as tinned eg corned beef. Google the recipe for corned beef and you will see why it is rarely made.
On the other hand pother meat products such as tinned steak are usually poor value for money with all sauce and little meat.
I hope this shows that there are a whole series of reasons why people will buy tinned in some circumstances and fresh in others and we have not even touched on longevity........