Classic TV Adverts in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Classic TV Adverts

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BertiWooster | 19:42 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
They just dont make them the way they used to , do they .. and why not ?

Remember -

1. Milk Tray ( ...and all because the lady loves milk tray )


Toblerone, out on its own,
Triangular chocolate, that's Toblerone!
Made with triangular almonds from triangular trees,
And triangular honey from triangular bees,
and Oh! Mr Confectioner please,
Give me Toblerone!

3. Flake ( .... only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate, taste like chocolate never taste it before )

Do you agree with my list .. what's yours ?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Here's mine
Or (The one you'll be singing for the rest of the week)...
-- answer removed --
Hey Mr Beaver...
Cadbury's Caramel
The VW ads were some of my favs see below.


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Classic TV Adverts

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