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understanding this recipe

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crisgal | 20:34 Thu 15th Apr 2010 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
could you take a quick look at this recipe?

Do you think the T stands for teaspoon?
Also, is two thirds of a cup, or two to three cups?
And finally, are american cups the same as english ones?

Thank you ♥


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That recipe appears on several other websites, where 'T' is replaced by 'tb'. Hence it must mean 'tablespoons'. e.g:

I agree that 2/3 means two thirds.

A bit of googling suggests that a UK cup is a bit bigger than a US one. Just over half a UK cup (five ninths if you're being fussy) seems to be the same...
21:51 Thu 15th Apr 2010
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I think the capital T would represent tablespoon and probably a lower-case t would represent teaspoon. I also would think that 2/3 would represent two-thirds of a cup. Just my interpretation though. Not sure about the cup sizes, sorry.
If it were 2 to 3 cups, it would be depicted as "2-3" and not 2/3.
That recipe appears on several other websites, where 'T' is replaced by 'tb'. Hence it must mean 'tablespoons'. e.g:

I agree that 2/3 means two thirds.

A bit of googling suggests that a UK cup is a bit bigger than a US one. Just over half a UK cup (five ninths if you're being fussy) seems to be the same as two thirds of a US cup.

Nice one Chris!!
There's always someone you can rely on here.....what a star ehhh!!
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thanks chris - that's very helpful. ♥

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