I LOVE chocolate....i don't have a sweet tooth, I have sweet teeth!!!
so imagine how hard it is to stay away from any form of chocolate!!!??? But now after dinner, I crave something sweet to eat but not chocolate so can anyone suggest something tasty or equally as nice as chocolate to have.....
Are you saying that chocolate s too sweet..too calorific?...try M&S "Count on us..." mousses.....the chocolate is VERY chocolatey,and the lemon is lovely and refreshing. Only 90 cal in each one.
I;ve just eaten a apro chocolate flavoured dessert, satisfied my craving quite well. I'm a fan of choc milk shakes too, kidding myself that the milk does me good!
or i may nick just a teaspoonful of OHs dessert if hes having one, ive lost over 2 stone by cutting out desserts and snacks. i try and eat fruit every meal if i can too, have a banana in between meals or a protein bar to stop my sugar level falling.
There is no substitute for chocolate. It sounds a bit healthy and wholesome, but Julian Graves do juicy dates (stone removed) and I have them in a jar in the kitchen. When I want something sweet I have a couple of those. They have a chewey consistency as well
im on the slimming world diet so im trying not to eat any chocolate at all because when i have alittle i end up having alot! i do have though something thats really satisifying and fat free. I crumble a digestive biscuit into a strawberry mullerlight and add chopped strawberries ontop and i end up getting a cheesecakey taste. do the same with a toffee one and instead of strawberrys use chopped banana and you have a fat free banoffee pie. lush!
try a Solero, they're only 98 cals and sweet, especially the mango one. Also have you tried the 40 cal hot chocolate drinks? - they come in all flavours, mint, belgian choc, coffee, orange, turkish delight etc
hmm, i was also a chocoholic. However, since i've been preggers, i have to eat more fruit and veg - the fruit actually satisfies my sweet tooth. I have a glass of smoothie after tea (i like the innocent mango and passion one)
The high cocoa solids choc is the best bet, good for you too rich in magnesium and antioxidents... there are flavoured ones now Mint is really nice as is the coffee, you can also get lavender, ginger, and chilli too.