Soya?? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Scarlett | 16:55 Wed 26th Jan 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Having eliminated wheat, dairy, meat, caffeine, salt, sugar and alcohol from my diet in order to "detox", I have not found any improvement in my bad lower back pain. It suddenly occured to me that I might still be allergic to soya, which I am obviously, eating more of. Has anyone had experience of this?
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Have you consulted your doctor about the backpain? 
restricting your diet probably won't help at all and could very well make it worse.
Have to agree with Ursula62. Low back pain is distressingly common, afeects over half the population at some time in their lives, and is more commonly related to mechanical factors such as posture, weight, physical activity and age-related 'wear-and-tear' than diet. Definitely worth seeing a GP, who may usefully refer you to a rheumatologist. Chiropractic may also be useful, as would physiotherapy.
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Yes, I am seeing a rheumatologist at present but my problem is autoimmune- linked with ulcerative colitis and so is not a standard back problem! It's more like a rheumatoid arthritis problem, which I know can be made worse by eating certain foods...
FERN57 posted a link under Parenting (child allergic to peas etc) concerning soya allergy, which might be worth having a look at.
A lot of it is due to underdeveloped core strength eg abs and lower back made worse by poor posture. Get to the gym. To think that lower back pain is dietary inflicted is rather short sighted.
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Possibly suggests that the things you have eliminated are not the cause of your back pain.

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