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Thanks Ethandron, I've had quite a few disagreements on here about my menu's. I use the best stuff, doesn't mean to say everybody else HAS to - I do what I think is basic everyday stuff like pies, pasties, curry's, lasagne etc - take the lasagne for instance, i use best minced steak - you could use supermarket ordinary mince, or even economy stuff (although the amount of fat that comes out of that stuff to me it's false economy!)
the last three weeks there has been a programme on cable/sky with Hugh Fernley Whittingstall, who got together a bunch of people each week who didn't cook, and mostly lived on take aways and processed ready meals, and showed them, even using organic meat it was cheaper and tastier than what they were buying - he's converted quite a few to cooking now!
The chicken and ham dish is a lovely tasty 'leftover' dish, add a few mushrooms and a fried onion, clove of garlic and /or some herbs to the white sauce and you've got a really tasty dish, if no pasta i've put cooked halved new potatoes on top sprinkled with cheese and popped back into the oven to make it go golden and crispy. Served with a salad and you've got a filling nutritious dish!