I gave up making my own because I obviously overdid the brandy-feeding bit and it was too soggy to cut and just fell into damp pieces. Tasted great though!
the trick is feed over a long period I started mine two weeks ago and they have taken up nearly all the rum.... the other trick is after pouring the alcohol intio the cake....leave it uncovered for about 15 mins....before wrapping it up again
I've made the Delia wedding cake recipe for various Christmas cakes, 18th birthdays & my wedding cakes etc for years and it is just delicious. I feed it as soon as it cools, with brandy, and then every couple of weeks (on top & bottom alternatively) Can't beat it :o). making me hungry typing this!
Busy night, just finished feeding brandy to the Christmas cakes, they smell so lush!........that's all the feeding done now!...........marzipan next week, icing in two weeks, and then done!....phew, now I just have to make the Irish cream liquer!..........and stop everyone from drinking it before Christmas!.................lol...........
We use Rustie Lee's recipe - Not sure whether there's a strong Caribbean cake tradition, but this one has a bottle of ruby wine in the fruit, and a lotta rum!
I did a post offering the recipe, but nobody came to the party sob