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Good food V 'bad' food-which would be best to eat?

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ayabrea38 | 00:21 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | Food & Drink
42 Answers
Let me explain.....
A boy is a 'fussy'eater.
He has a good breakfast (weetabix,toast and hot drink)
Then eats rubbish for dinner (cake,cake and cookie)
Now for tea(back at home where parents have some control)
Should he have what mum cooked(chicken casserole and veg)
or pizza and chips......
Hang on though
the problem is with the casserole he will eat about 1/4 -the rest goes in the bin.The pizza(with meat topping and extra cheese)gets eaten completely 100% gone!!
So which is best for him to eat?
Answers on a postcard please!


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Casserole etc every time! In his little world he is in control by chosing which foods to eat which many will say is fine BUT ........ a child is learning! If he can get away with eating junk, because he likes it more, he will. Give him what is nutritious, healthy and actually doing him some good (once or twice a day) and let him leave what he doesn't want. He will clear his plate one day, but until then, praise and positive enforcement are what are needed. There will be those who 'support' his right to choose but CHILDREN NEED TO BE TAUGHT (sorry for shouting) and wih patience and veggie hiding you'll be absolutely fine!
Me again, sorry! Incidentally, the sodium (salt) content of processed foods is scary and consider that a child has kidneys so young and easily damaged (for life) - is it worth the risk?!
The odd pizza doesn`t have to be unhealthy though. If you make your own with a thin base, 1/2 fat cheese and toppings such as ham or veg or chicken etc (not sausagey meats) there is quite are quite a few nutrients in it.
*are quite a few*
OR ......... sneaky pizza! Make a pizza base then chop the stuff up so finely they can't see what they don't think they like! (m'boy was NEVER eating mushrooms, peppers or onions until he couldn't see them) Word of warning though, mix the peppers in with tomatoes because otherwise you have to chop up the peppers so finely that they go to mush and make your base soggy (and no-one likes a soggy base)
I would always encourage eating what everyone else does - not by forcing it, but just by making it "not an issue". Nevertheless, it's easier said than done! Pizza would be fine if you make your own and sneakily add other veg to the tomato sauce layer - then choose low fat low salt cheese and meat for the topping.
sorry, didn't see previous answers!
Eats what has been cooked or gets toast. No alternative....toast will soon get boring.
Why does he eat rubbish for dinner? How old is he?
Why does he get "rubbish" fo dinner?

I'm with ummm, you either eat the same as the est of the family, or you starve in this house i'm afraid.
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Agree, gets given the same as the rest of the family. Of course he will have some dislikes and these shouldn't be forced. My son hated veg. except for potatoes and
carrotts. I always put a few other veg on his plate but he never ate them for years. However, he wasn't offered an alternative and he did love fruit. He eats everything now apart from cheese or eggs which he still hates.
I am a bit of a soft touch to be fair - I was a fussy child so I know what it is like and I know that I grew out of it to a great extent. However, even I don't give in on a daily basis - I will make them an alternative meal, but I wont allow them to eat rubbish in place of food. What's wrong with giving a packed lunch containing some healthy stuff - even if that is not in huge variety. My son only really likes chicken or tuna on a sandwich so he has either of those in his packed lunch every day, might be boring, but he eats them without complaint.
Just interested in why he is eating what he is eating for lunch, i.e. cake etc. Is this what is offered at school? A nutritious packed lunch would be better for him. How old is he.
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Still means making him something different, and I would do this!! Why make a rod for your back.
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Hi all,
Thanks for all your answers,just to cover a few things that have been brought up-here goes
He is high school that have a cafe type dinner,you get what you want and pay.Thanks to the Jamie Oliver food health issues,things like burgers,sausages and pizza dont get served.There is also a lot of vegetarian and cultural food(curry,halal etc)
As a fussy eater he wont touch these,but would eat burgers if offered.
Packed lunches are not allowed(??? bullying)and the pupils are not allowed out of the school grounds.
I tried the toast only system-ha that blew up in my face when he said he preferred toast to a lot of the meals offered!
I do sometimes make pizza(to try and clear my consence)but he can sniff out a mushroom at 40 metres and diligently goes through the topping,removing any offending/strange/suspect toppings.Same with casserole/shepherds pie etc.It's an amazing but truly annoying gift he has!
Pizza casserole sounds interesting-better than casserole pizza-the base always went soggy!Exactly what does this wonder contain ;)
Thanks for your answers,any more ideas please?
packed lunches are not allowed?

I always find it amazing how these fussy eaters always seem able to eat junk food.

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Good food V 'bad' food-which would be best to eat?

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