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Evening drink

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scotman | 21:22 Sun 09th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
28 Answers
Hi all

Can anyone suggest a good non-alcoholic evening drink for about 9:30ish which will promote sleep.
Please note I can't stand anything made with hot milk.



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with your handle name, not drinking your national spirit, tut tut. Many have sworn by a late night tipple.

Green tea?
You can make drinking chocolate with water, doesnt taste as good though
Camomile tea
White tea, I drink it weak and without milk.
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I was going to suggest camomile tea as well.

i rarely drink anything other than cordial at home though if I wanted to get sleepy I'd have a weak milky sugary tea. Do you mean nothing with any milk or just not milky like Horlicks?
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Oh I'm not sure either, I don't like anything hot milky like that either :)

Should have said, you could get decaf tea. Hot chocolate can be made with just water too.
malty? same as malt whisky then......
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Thanks all so far. I mean made with milk, I am OK with milk in tea, coffee etc provided it is semi-skimmed at least. I just have this thing about drinking warm or hot milk.
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I'm the same scotman, fine with it cold in tea, coffee, cereal etc... but not keen on hot milk and always buy skimmed.

I couldn't drink a glass of milk either and couldn't watch someone else doing so either.
Try Valerian or something containing nutmeg.
Nescafe do sachets of Irish Coffees (non-alcoholic) to which you just add boiling water.they're very aaaaaaah...........
I've just had a chocolate milk-shake, I fear it will sit rather heavy but I fancied it...
Mmm Craft, will have to look out for them!

Valerian is good for getting you to sleep, it used to make me groggy in the mornings though. I used to get it from a local health food shop loose to make into a tea.
I hate cold milk. They use to force us to drink the full fat stuff straight out of a little bottle when I was school. Think it was stopped when I was about 8 or 9, can't really remember. All I remember was the yukky cream that sat at the top of the bottle when you pushed the straw through it.

I don't mind hot milk though. When its hot you can taste its slight sweetness.
Tiggs - I'm with you.. one summers day the milk spilt all over my uniform.. could smell curdling milk for ever.. put me off from 5ish til when I HAD to deal with milk for my baby... (twenty years later)..
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