Making jam in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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Making jam

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tinkerbell23 | 21:50 Thu 05th Jul 2012 | Recipes
19 Answers
How do you make jam?

Im sure my gran used to?..

Im pretty good in the kitchen, i think id be ok?

Namely raspberry is my fave, or strawberry...

I do like chillie jam!!

Inspire moi?? Xxxxx
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Lots of fruit, lots of sugar, followed by boiling and adding pectin afaik !
1kg raspberries
1kg jam sugar
juice of 1 lemon

Place the raspberries in a wide pot, add the sugar and dissolve over a medium heat.
Turn up the heat and boil for 5 mins, stirring often
Test by placing a tsp of the jam on a side plate. If it wrinkles once cooled, it is ready.
Remove from the heat and skim the surface
Pour into steralised jars

Very easy Tinks xx
p.s make sure it is jam sugar you use as that has all the pectin in it you need.
Silver Spoon make some that you can buy in any supermarket
the pectin's to make your pecs grow :-)
..that's what I meant.
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Any other flavours? Fed up making the same stuff xx
Very Very important - Warm your jars in the oven before putting boiling jam into them!
Apricots, blackcurrant, blueberry, strawberry, plum, rhubarb xxx
Tomato, gooseberry, cherry, peach, xx
Rhubarb and Ginger - the best :)
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Julia thank you!! :0D

Mmmm vod...never even thought about tomato...i think id like that?!

Mmmmmm. Im sure it was rhubarb gran done,,ill have to ask, but my granda grew rhubarb!!

No need to warm jars in oven..just put tablespoon in jar and pour boiling water on..the spoon takes up the heat,so no cracked jars.been doing it for years.
That's how I do it too momac. Much easier lol
I make mine using the microwave. Much cleaner, faster and less smells (although I do like the smell of jam brewing). Strawberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Redcurrent, Blackcurrent and best of all, Rhubarb Marmalade.
see if you can get hold of a WI jam making recipe book. It's VERY good. There's a good recipe for lemon curd in there.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
Tinks, if you have a throw away email I can send you a pdf copy of a book on preserves.
Here's a tomato jam recipe very similar to one we've used for years... sorry for the U.S. measurements...

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Aah just seeing your answers guys! Thanks so much, and thanks eccles ive dropped you a line <3 xxxxx
I use citric acid powder to help the setting for strawberry jam any home brewing centre will sell it and Tesco

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