Christmas Cake Cooking Times. in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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Christmas Cake Cooking Times.

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squidgelet10 | 09:33 Mon 27th Aug 2012 | Recipes
9 Answers
Greetings each.
I have an ancient recipe, handed down to my late Mother around 50 years ago, which gives cooking times for a 7" cake as:
Two hours @ gas mark 2, and then two hours @ gas mark half.
This has always produced an excellent result but I now want to make two smaller cakes, using the same quantities, as Chrimbo pressies for for a couple of elderly neighbours.
Can I safely assume that the above cooking times can be halved in this instance, pretty-please?
If anyone wants the recipe please e-mail me direct on organgrinder2000@btinternet.com and I will gladly send it.
Be good!
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Baking time won't be halved. Have a look here...

10:01 Mon 27th Aug 2012
It might be safer to make one cake and cut it in half?

As to the main question - sorry don't know, but I doubt if it will be exactly proportional
Baking time won't be halved. Have a look here...

my rule for timing cakes is to cook them till they are done.....yes, I know that sounds unhelpful but I often find that times in recipes don't always work for me, or should I say my oven.

for special occasion cakes like when I do my krimbo cake I always cover them with greased foil until nearly done and then remove this for the last 10-15 mins or so to brown the cake.

sorry to not be more specific.
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Greetings each.
Thank you all for your contributions. I have indeed learned a lot from you.
Cakes came out OK in the end, using the existing times.
'Tis a pity I cannot send each of you a slice. :-(
Stay good!
Glad they came out OK. Your post reminded me that I still have last year's Christmas cake that I never got round to icing.

What do we reckon? Do I give it loads of brandy between now and Christmas and eat it, or give it to the birds and make another one?
Barmaid, if it has been kept well sealed I would feed it a bit more brandy and enjoy it at Christmas.
Thanks Anngel. It's double wrapped in greaseproof and stringed and then double wrapped in foil, so I reckon it should be ok. I just never got round to it!

Still will save me a job this year. Reckon I also have some mincemeat left too.

What the hell am I doing? It's august!!!
I also use an old recipe of my mums. It makes a large cake which we then cut into smaller cakes before icing. My oven cooks the cake in only half the time it states in the recipe - so my advice would be to not leave the house while it's cooking - you can usually smell when it's done.
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Hey Guys 'n' Gals:
I wasn't aware of all the other posts since 29th August, when I thanked everyone for their contributions: Gremlins in the system?
Chrimbo cakes, if properly made, cooked and stored, will last for years!
As a pagan/agnostic I do not treat Chrimbo as a special occasion, so therefore make around five or six Chrimbo cakes each year. :-)
I suppose it's a bit like saying pancakes should only be eaten on Shrove Tuesday: PHOOEY!
Stay good!

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