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Pasta, what to do

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Snappy | 18:44 Mon 04th Aug 2008 | Recipes
3 Answers
I really fancy some tagliatelle pasta but dont know what sauce, am thinking something with prawns. Any ideas? i fancy some sort of tomato sauce instead of creamy. Could i just buy a jar of sauce and add some prawns to heat through????


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I just use tomato pasata from asda valfruti sold in small handy size cartons ,put what ya fancy in eg garlic,oregano, chilli just add ya prawns last and dont over cook
while all the bother ...get a tin of chopped tomatoes,throw in what herbs you like ,but garlic is a must, have you ever tried chopped brotwurst instead of prawns it goes down a treat and is also cheaper. (Hmmm i can smell it from here.)
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thanks everyone,in the end i used lloyd grossman sauce and stirred some tiger prawns and brocolli in. It was lush! :-)

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Pasta, what to do

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