Blood Group diet in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Blood Group diet

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Scarlett | 20:47 Sat 30th Aug 2008 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Has anyone any knowledge of this, or tried it? I am group O which means I have to eat meat, which I hate! Bleargh!
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Most likely a load of rubbish...I can't see how a diet based on blood group,eye colour.....or anything other than sensible eating,could work.
I agree with pastafreak.

Have doctors told you that you must eat meat.?

More info please...........Ron

There are books on the subject eg. East Right for your blood type O. Have a look on amazon.com.
Look, if you`re of North European heritage, you would not now exist to type your question because your ancestors could not have possibly survived harsh northern winters eating veggie stuff alone. Why do you think you have a pair of canine toothypegs?!

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