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wafer fans

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danoid | 03:54 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | Recipes
8 Answers
hello once again and greets from the states

there is a receipe on the channel website from the Fword series for strawberry glory that uses "wafer fans"....i have checked half a dozen or more websites that offer british products for sale here in the states and none seem to offer this.....any thought were i might be able to find is too late for this year but i certainly want to make this for next year.....

thanks to all in advance!!!


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I'm a big water fan. I just LOVE it !!!
Hi, this is quie a good website for British foods: .asp?id=TJ1352

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i saw some wafer "shells" in Morrison's last week, which I hadn't noticed before. You simply open the lid, pop in a scoop of ice cream/fruit/whatever, close it again - and enjoy. I don't care what shapes wafers come in though - I like eating them on their own!
Danoid - if you email me at [email protected] (substitute my user name there), I am sure I can easily arrange to post some fan wafers out to you - there are light as a feather. However, I cannot believe that you can't get something similar in the USA - they are the same stuff as ice cream cones or you guys might use them in ice cream sundaes.... lol
Bet they do! Bet you can even get them with an Elvis face on, over there. : )
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Juggerling....thank you for the generous offer.....i had not seen anything like that (the fan design) till i saw the mica paris brigade epi of Fword

In A Pickle....i feel like i know sainsbury's (and some of the other major food stores) having watched Fword!!!!

Kristyhev....thank you very much for the link to the website, i had gone to several including the one that you posted a link to but did not see them....thanks!!

thanks to everyone for there thoughts!!!!

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