397g can of condensed milk....... in The AnswerBank: Recipes
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397g can of condensed milk.......

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danoid | 02:43 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Recipes
3 Answers
this is in this recipe


#1-is this sweetened condensed milk?

#2-as this is a liquid, i thought that it would be measured in mils and not in grams....

thanks for your help!!!
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It will still have weight.
I thought most condensed milk was sweetened, and evapourated milk isn't - they normally issue cans with weight rather than volume. It is just a can of condensed milk for the recipe!

Try this as well:
150g good quality lemon curd,
300g tub full fat soft cheese
200g tub clotted cream
397g can of condensed milk
finely grated zest and juice of three unwaxes lemons and one lime
Shortbread fingers

Whisk cream cheese, condensed milk and clotted cream together until thick. Add lemon curd, lemon and lime zest and lemon juice and whip for a few more seconds. Spoon into small dishes or a bowl amd chill. Sprinkle with lemon sherbet and serve with the shortbread.
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went to the local wal-mart to day and found that the sweetened condensed milk is indeed done by weight......a 396g can (14 ounces i think the label said...)

thanks for helping to clear that one up!!!!!!!

thanks to for the recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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397g can of condensed milk.......

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